Weeding and planting

On Thursday 9 2022 the intermediates and the juniors classes went weeding and planting. We got to the place we were going to weed in 15 minutes because we had to carry all of the spades, plants and gloves there. We started weeding the area we are going to put our plants in around 1;30. It took us around 45 minutes to take out all of the weeds and the sticks. There were lots of huge logs. It took six of us to carry one of them. When we were finished weeding we learnt how to dig the hole properly and how to put the plants in properly. It took everyone 15 minutes for us to finish doing all the plants. This is the picture we took at the end.

Thursday trip

On Thursday the 27th of May the year five and eights went on a trip, we went to several locations for example Mt Maungarei, a river and other places. Mt Maungarei was our first location we went to the top where the summit is. The person that was leading us told us a story of how two sisters and an eagle landed on the mountain where the summit is. At the end of the day we didn’t have enough time to go into the river so the leader was just talking about it.

Foot ball tournament

On Wednesday 18 May the year 5 to 8 went to the tamaki cluster football tournament. By the time our school arrived most of the other schools were already there. Two parents came to help supervise the two girl teams. Our first game was about 9:45 to 10:00. The teams we versed were Sylvia park, Sylvia park B, Glen Taylor, Sylvia park A, Stone fields B and other schools. The games were about 15 minutes each and in between we had a break for 5 minutes. While I was playing a game against Sylvia park I met my cousin. It was very cool because I got to talk with him. In between games when we were having breaks we would meet each other in the field we would practice on. Around the end of the tournament we said bye and went home. We lost 4 games and tied 2 games.(The one with the red uniform cousin and the other one is my little brother)

Tuesday math : Flats rod square

On Tuesday afternoon we played a game of 67. It is when you have a dice and roll it 7 times and you have to get the number to 67 or at least close to 67. After that we got a piece of paper and had to cut it into tenths, hundredths, thousandths and ten thousandths. I only cut it into tenths because if I cut it into ten thousandths it would be a big mess to clean up. I knew this because I did this last year, my friend made a stick man and glued it into his book.

My school value super hero

My school values superheroes as my mum. Her super power is respect. Respect is showing care and concern for someone else’s right, feeling or wishing.

My mum is an awesome listener. She relied on my family to do things like clean and make food for lunch and dinner. She always asks how school was and how our day was. When I make a mistake she helps me correct it. This is respect for my ability to become a school leader.

Meme slide

Here is my meme slide. This was originally from last year but I still wanted to do it so my friend and kept on adding to it and know I am really proud of how it turned out and I had lots of fun doing it. I am also adding more every day.

Our math session

In today’s math session we learnt how to turn Decimals into fraction and percentages. When I first looked at the picture I was like nope I am not doing this but then it was very easy.For example if the fraction is 1/2 it is basically 50% and if it is 3/4 it is 0.75 as a decimal. My brain hurts just looking at the picture. The picture that I am showing you is only level one. It ends on level three and just looking at it makes my brain hurts.



Today’s flag foot ball session

Today for our P.e session we played american football but with rip a tags.

I think the only thing that went well in the game is that we named our teams cool names my team the red dragon the other yellow tigers. To be honest I would have named the yellow team yellow jackets compering to the bee.

The thing we could do better is passing the ball to other teammates and letting someone else throw or catch the ball because every time it was the same people over and over and over again. Another thing we could be better at is not fending when someone is coming for you.